Thursday, August 5, 2010

DOCTORS !!! finally.....

a perfectly lovely atmosphere with ominous black clouds and slight drizzle greeted me as i set out early 6 am on way to Bhavnagar with my friends yesterday! finally the day had arrived...

after the long bus journey we reached Bhavnagar totally relaxed and saw the  university for the first time....its huge and spread out over a long area....amazing, there is a separate building for college library! that really amazed us and we even posed near it for photos....haha

the atmosphere combined with the elation of finally getting our degree certificates was a heady combination! the people of saurashtra are so helpful and nice and patient, it was awesome even standing in the queue....thankfully the sun was off limits and the cool wind was blowing which really lightened our spirits. after the procedure of filling forms and formalities being done, we were told to collect the provisional degree certificate around evening....and we killed time after lunch at Takhteshwar temple...oh its beautiful. its built high upon a hill of some sort, and the wind there was just amazing....we all relaxed there for 2 hours and almost slept...and booked buses back home.

finally with the certificate in my hand, i thanked my stars for the closure of one chapter of my life...the important chapter that lasted all of five long years.....and waiting for a new beginning and new luck and new goals....

....with a clean slate...

i am now....henceforth....DOCTOR NISHMA BAXI.....and i would never want to be anyone anywhere else....eternally thankful to all and just being born here in this time and age and being a BDS person...:) :)

it is awesome


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