Tuesday, May 31, 2011

looking forward to the next 15 days

so many things are about to happen. and if i use THE SECRET. i would say....so many GOOD things are about to happen! i will meet my best friend Ruchira....after a long long time. years....and years.....still it seems it was just yesterday when we were in the third grade at school and used to wait for each other's autos to arrive at the gate....so that we could walk hand in hand towards class. each and every single day.

perhaps that was the earliest and most painful separation for me when she left for boarding school...and we decided we would keep in touch frequently "ofcourse" !! till the day we die... :) we have been in touch. but not as much as i would have liked. thats the effect of life's busy-ness or i should say business. :)

and ofcourse the TREK :) :) new people new friends :) mountains. snow.


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