Thursday, March 11, 2010

diplomatic and selfish

well....99% of the people in my class are good, and the rest 1% are in my batch.
everyday they teach me newer levels of selfishness....
first of last blog was last month....this commitment is not going too well.

cannot believe that for selfish interests and manipulative games, friendship means nothing. people i have done NOTHING to, either in front of them or behind their back, can also speak rubbish about me.....irrelevant people. and so called friends and man-made "brothers" also forget bonds when it comes to bitchiness and selfishness...

its all fine but i dont wish to see their faces everyday i go there. 4 months left hmm?...
so many great friends outside of those 10 batchmates are always there with me and for me....and yeah everyone is of the opinion that these 10 people are really really selfish and weird. but what can a person do if stuck with such losers?....

its a blessing to me actually, i get to do my work and read for my PG without wasting my time. i am tired of being nice, helpful and kind and in the end getting nothing when i am on the recieving end sometimes. i am not paid to be nice to them and talk to them...

CHEERS to freedom and liberation from HAVING to force myself to talk to loser batchmates!!! :)
ALL are selfish there are no exceptions in the 10. selfishness grades may be less or more...but in some or the other way they all are.

i have my contacts, my future is nicely set, i have my career and life goals, and loads of fun OUTSIDE of the damn to hell with them

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